Pictures of alien crafts and being aboard a craft, with views of the interior and the alien beings performing various tasks there. The drawings are from our forum members, who also comment on their stories in the subtitles.
The German version of the gallery can be found here: Die deutsche Version der Galerie ist hier zu finden: Aliens & Entführungen
Landed Disc
Bild 1 von 17
Description by Ford: "In the first picture I show you a flying disc that had just landed in front of my former home. I was about 5 years old. I can still remember how little creatures were running around there. They must have taken me outside with them. We went around this ship and then into it."
Pictures of abduction experiences and alien encounters. The drawings are from our forum members, who also comment on their stories in the subtitles.
The new, updated German version of the gallery can be found here: Die neue, aktualisierte deutsche Version der Galerie ist hier zu finden: Aliens & Entführungen
Alien Aboard
Bild 1 von 28
Description by Ford: "In the following picture I tried to represent an alien as good and detailed as possible, as I remember it. I have also reproduced the skin color and the background light as accurately as possible. Often, the descriptions speak of a bright yellowish or orange light. I can confirm that. On board of flying saucers, the lighting is often bright white, sunny yellow, orange-brown (I can't describe it any better, it looks so strange) or pitch black. That's how I remember it."
Some of the images are presented in a video with music by John Akhen:
Von Betroffenen für Betroffene und Interessierte des Alien-Entführungs-Phänomens